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Old 02-17-2024, 07:43 AM
sailorkevin sailorkevin is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2022
Posts: 121
Folks, I'm not really blaming Ritchey. The Logic is a wonderful bike and even easily clearing all 28s makes it a terrific contribution to the road bike community. I love the bike and will recommend it to anyone. I guess I'm just a bit frustrated with the whole bike / tire industry for making choices a bit difficult for consumers who are not as technically savvy as others. Why should I have to measure a tire that tells me on its package that it is a 30 mm? How do I measure that tire without buying it and, in most cases, not being able to return it to the retailer if I have mounted and inflated it? I've heard this again and again on this forum and others -- don't trust what the package says. I've asked people for advice on tire manufacturers and one thing I have learned over the years is that Continentals "tend to run large." OK that is helpful, but what about other manufacturers? Why should we all have to rely on word of mouth or painful and expensive personal experience to make informed choices? Why should I have to calculate (at a pretty precise level) clearances on the bike frame in order to make my choice of wheel / tire combination? In my case, the tire rubbed on the side of the rear caliper where there is a little "bubble" in the profile. The DA 9000 series is pretty old, so perhaps that is the problem. I'm not blaming Ritchey. I would just like to see the phrase "depending on wheel and rim manufacturer" replaced with something more helpful. Sorry for being an old grouch.
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