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Old 02-01-2024, 04:58 PM
EB EB is offline
Join Date: Jan 2018
Location: This is a no biking trail, California
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Rebecca Solnit is the last writer I expected to be referenced on this particular website.

It's a good article. There's a good New Yorker feature by Nathan Heller from last year in a similar vein:

The conventional wisdom about a place is never really accurate - once you zoom in, things are much more complicated than any broad generalization or hot take. As someone who has lived in and near the city for a big chunk of my life, including the 90s, I will say that Solnit's idea - that people's expectations of what SF should be have changed much more than SF has itself changed - is spot on.

I will say that I love that city, and I will never stop loving it, despite all of its numerous issues.
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