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Old 01-09-2024, 12:56 PM
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Originally Posted by jamesdak View Post
Things are never simple but yeah you keep on not seeing the total picture and passing judgement. Makes for some entertainment if nothing else.
You have stepped out, but by all means step back in and let me know specifically what the total picture is that I am not seeing.
Are you referring to your situation and list of complaints, are you referring to the SBT GRVL situation, or are you referring to rural living in general?
The challenge with these sort of conversations is that part of the beauty- the natural divergence in subject and input on related expereinces- also makes it difficult to sometimes know what a poster's point even is. The longer a thread goes, the more times this is seen.

I get the total picture of SBT GRVL and if the county doesnt agree to permits moving forward, I would understand why. I hope that doesnt happen, but I do see the total picture and recognize the views from both sides.
As for your many comments about a similar situation where you live, jokes aside, yeah I genuinely understand that road closures in a valley would be frustrating and limiting. I dont think it is quite to the level of description as you or others view it, but yes I do completely understand the frustration and inconvenience.

Everyone passes judgement once they analyze a situation and form an opinion. That isnt inherently bad, its actually necessary for productive living. Being open and willing to learn and change your opinion given clarified or new information is crucial too.
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