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Old 01-08-2024, 08:00 PM
jamesdak jamesdak is offline
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Originally Posted by Alistair View Post
This. But, for whatever reasons, rural America seems chock full of misanthropes.

Bike-packing in rural VA, every other house seems to have signage to the effect of “NO TRESSPASSING WE HAVE GUNS AND KNOW HOW TO USE THEM!” And the alternate houses have purple flashes on all the trees.

I have a coworker with acreage out in the boonies. He once got in a huff because somebody XC skied across the edge of his property. I couldn’t understand why he was upset. It’s just trees out there (no farming operation to disrupt, not near his home/garden, etc). He only knew they were there because the skied after work and had headlamps on - had they gone through mid-day, he likely would never have known.
Having grown up in rural VA I can totally understand and even embrace this. I guess I'm one of those misanthropes too by some of ya'll's judgmental posts here. We are all not the same and that certainly does not make anyone of us better than the other. Although that sentiment does not seem to be shared by all commenting here.

Is there a problem with respecting someone's privacy and their property?

Oh and for reference. I still have the scar on my shoulder from a hunter trespassing on our farm. Dumb ass heard me and shot in my direction without even identifying what he was shooting at. Luckily I just lost a chunk of meat off the point of my shoulder. And in earlier years we had one of our prized Tennessee Walking Horses shot and hobbled by another idiot trespassing to hunt on our farm.

Last edited by jamesdak; 01-08-2024 at 08:05 PM.
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