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Old 01-08-2024, 08:11 AM
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BumbleBeeDave BumbleBeeDave is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: The end of the road . . .
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I spoke with Keith again on Saturday . . .

. . and here's an update. Keith was speaking slowly and deliberately and his wife Ruth Ann chimed in to fill in details as we spoke for about 30 minutes.

Only four weeks post-injury, and Keith has already moved out of the rehab hospital and is now in a rehab residence facility with his wife. Neither one has been home to their normal residence since the injury on December 9. She takes him on the short drive each day to therapy from 9am-3pm.

He said he has to concentrate really hard to make the right side of his body do what he asks of it and is having problems seeing out of his right eye right now. Not surprising since the major brain injury was on the left side of his brain. He's also still in a lot of discomfort from the large amount of healing road rash he has from the crash. He still has not recovered any memory of the crash or exactly how it happened.

But his wife told me that there has been noticeable improvement in his condition and abilities in the past week, though Keith doesn't notice it as much as she does. She also told me the rehab residence has fortunately been covered by their insurance, but there have been many things they have had to deal with that are not covered, and they are deeply grateful to everyone who has helped out with the GoFundMe.

I think considering the seriousness of his injuries, particularly the brain injury, he's doing extremely well for only four weeks post-injury. He knows there are many people here who are caring about and following how he's doing, and he wants to thank you all for that. He still has not checked in here because he said he's avoiding screens and his wife is helping him reply to anything she see's that seems to require an immediate answer.

Please keep him in your thoughts and let's hope things continue to improve!

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