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Old 12-18-2023, 07:08 PM
djg21 djg21 is offline
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Originally Posted by Keith A View Post
Last Saturday (12/9), Keith was in a pretty serious cycling accident. He was on his normal Saturday morning ride that he’s been doing for decades. He was going about 30 mph when he struck what we believe was another cyclist’s fallen water bottle, and he went over the handlebars. He landed face first on the pavement and was knocked unconscious. He was taken by helicopter to a local hospital and put on a ventilator, in the ICU, for two days. Three days later, he was moved out of the ICU and into a room in the PCU. He’s continuing to look better each day, but he’s got long recovery ahead of him. Once he’s discharged from the hospital he will likely be at inpatient brain rehab facility to continue the recovery process.

We wanted to make a post because earlier today he started asking about his cycling forum.
I’m sorry to hear this. Please wish Keith well and let him know we are thinking about him.

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