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Old 11-08-2023, 09:31 PM
jmans jmans is offline
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Originally Posted by Minion View Post
I'm not sure if we're meant to reply in this thread but that RT is giving me the strongest flashbacks: mostly for the wired earpieces dispatch *really* wanted us to wear so customers couldn't heat the chatter, and flogging it across town because your 2nd battery had died, having to hand off all the jobs in your bag and get back to dispatch and hope there was a fresh battery there that would last the rest of the day. I can even remember the name of the comms company we had to lease those things off for some obscure but also really expensive reason.
LOL, those headphone were just for music. I always just turned the radio off when i went inside.. and as the years piled on I just kept it off unless really needed.

mid day battery swap is crazy, I assume this was in the 90s?
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