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Old 10-31-2023, 09:02 AM
BeRad BeRad is offline
Registered User
Join Date: Aug 2020
Posts: 1
Name: Brad
* where do you live? - Saratoga Springs, NY
* explanation of your handle. - A skiing buddy's typical greeting. It stuck with a few of my friends.
* explanation of your avatar - TBD
* age (general or specific) - 40's
* occupation - self employed in agricultural/finance industry
* favorite bike - 1994 Giant Sedona ATX. It was the timing and freedom more than the bike.
* what's in your stable? Lynskey G300, Lightweight Urgestalt, YT Jeffsey. There are more but those see the most miles.
* fastest speed on a road bike? where? when? Low 50's a few different places but Lake Deso and Corinth Mtn Rd
* how many miles ON THE ROAD on a road bike last year? 2-3k? I'm not sure.
* picture of yourself or your ride?
* make up and answer at least one additional question. What are your favorite and least favorite moments related to road biking activities? Least favorite is waking up and motivating for an early morning ride. Most favorite is riding with friends who are all close to the same fitness.
* what is the biggest lie you've ever told - I try not too, it's too much to remember.
* and, something fun. Riding the Co-Motion triple and the Burley Tandem with the kids.
* How did you find the paceline Forum?* - Initially a google search years ago, however discussions with a friend brought me back.
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