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Old 10-26-2023, 11:31 AM
robt57 robt57 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: PDX
Posts: 8,482
My $1.02 worth... [way more than $.02 ;}]

I originally got some to run with new tubeless tires in order not to commit to sealant in case I was not crazy about the tires. For road I have come to do this rather than even use sealant. My personal druthers is TL on lower pressures than road. I also like to be able to swap tires on the fly and not deal with cleaning dealing adding goo. Yada...

I have lots if TPU tubes, having had some given to me for setting up a Di2 build/setup for a fellow PLer.

I will put it like this: I have lighter than latex, a lot lighter than latex, and stupid lighter than latex. I am stupid enough without help so avoid stupid light overall. Particularly as I am just over the Clyde threshold.

I have not removed the heaviest ones from two sets of TL tires and do not intend to. I so used the middle weight ones for carry with for flats. They hold air superb, not that I have aversion to pumping up before rides.

I have been a Latex user for a decade. Loose most of my latex tube when they are older from valve tear outs when I slip holding valve while pumping using compressor, less often with pump in van. [once]

I trust the Schwalbe Aerothons the most, the least light of the bunch. I have some 23 gram ones I will use for carry with flat use maybe. But I run my tubeless tubulars mostly anyway and carry a mini plug kit and some sealant rolling.

So in a nutshell, this is the place for these for me.
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