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Old 07-26-2023, 06:23 AM
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Originally Posted by d_douglas View Post
Which raises the question: why don’t builders/manufacturers just build the bridge 5mm higher and then riders could make full use of the slots for the brakepads - I am sure that using 23mm tires doesn’t get you at the top of the slot with no more room to adjust, right? Move it down and where you were once in the middle of the slot, you are now 5mm higher. People with 32mm tires would likely be able to use regular-reach calipers from the big 3 manufacturers - all of whom make amazing brakes.
Why indeed...Two interviews, One with Ugo DeRosa and one with Ernesto Colnago. Their frame geometry BITD were almost polar opposites. DeRosa, slack and long, Colnago steeper seat tube, shorter top tube..BOTH insisted their geometries were the very 'best'...

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