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Old 05-17-2023, 05:38 AM
Minion Minion is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2015
Posts: 6
Originally Posted by jmans View Post
* real name Jay
* where do you live? Toronto
* explanation of your handle? Sheer lack of creativity!
* explanation of your avatar I find this and several other images of former presidents funny
* age (general or specific) 38
* occupation jaded messenger turned jaded wrench
* favorite bike? Previously’98 GT Edge Ti. Currently ‘04 Serotta Ottrott
* what's in your stable? Miele MTB w/ Clydesdale fork, 2004 Serotta Ottrott, Cyclops Track, 2011 Moots Mootour, Gardin Sports Touring
* fastest speed on a road bike? where? when?
* how many miles ON THE ROAD on a road bike last year? 5000km
* make up and answer at least one additional question - Whats a cycling trend that truly shocks you? In hindsight I can’t believe how popular riding track bikes in metropolitan areas has become for over a decade?
* what is the biggest lie you've ever told? No more bike purchases for the year.
* and, something fun. I’m really looking forward to taking the Moots on some vacations and exploring different places.
* How did you find the paceline Forum? Man, I’ve been lurking this forum for so many years. Thought I’d take the plunge.
I'm not sure if we're meant to reply in this thread but that RT is giving me the strongest flashbacks: mostly for the wired earpieces dispatch *really* wanted us to wear so customers couldn't heat the chatter, and flogging it across town because your 2nd battery had died, having to hand off all the jobs in your bag and get back to dispatch and hope there was a fresh battery there that would last the rest of the day. I can even remember the name of the comms company we had to lease those things off for some obscure but also really expensive reason.
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