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Old 02-07-2023, 08:26 AM
smontanaro smontanaro is offline
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Originally Posted by oldguy00 View Post

1. Strength has continued to go up
2. Still wearing a size smaller pants so waist size is still down a good amount from where I started

1. My body WILL NOT let go of hardly any net weight!!! I started at 192 I think, and today I was 188.5.
(This response got a bit longer than intended...)

If your strength is going up and you knocked off a measurable amount of girth, I'd say you're moving in the right direction, weight be damned. Don't forget that lean mass is denser than fat. The last bit to go is that chunk around your middle. I continue to see those bits in the mirror myself. Finally, if you've been working your abs, console yourself with the fact that you have a six-pack hiding in there, it's bigger than it used to be, so it's pushing out the fat that remains, making it more prominent.

I've been stuck in the low 190s since just before Christmas. Still, I have stayed at a 34-inch waist (ave a stack of 36-inch jeans reminding me of where I was). I explain to myself that a reduction in mileage during the winter months and increase in body weight exercises (upper body for the most part) contributes to the failure to measure any consistent weight loss. It will happen when Spring gets here.

As normal folk just trying to keep/get fit, most of us lack the proper tools to accurately measure changes in body composition. I have a scale, but nothing to accurately measure fat (no skinfold calipers, underwater weighing gizmos, or even a fancy scale that measures electrical resistance(?) and estimates body composition – are those still a thing?), so guessing at change in fat composition is limited to what we see on the scale, in our waistlines, and in the mirror.

I live in the Chicago area. A harbinger of Spring in these here parts is when the weather forecast includes the phrase, "cooler by the lake." I heard those magic words for the first time yesterday. I don't care what Punxatawney Phil said, Spring is right around the corner. I've got several bikes itching to go for a ride.
Monti Special
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