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Old 01-12-2023, 05:04 PM
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Originally Posted by paredown View Post
Since I started this thread, one friend has switched to a Chevy Bolt, with the full monty of solar panels --and couldn't be happier. I also met a nice young couple at a garage sale -- and her commuter vehicle was a Hyundai Ioniq--and they claimed that the difference in their electric bills was almost lost in the noise, even with our high priced electricity. So there's that... And a third friend just sold her last gasser and her Nissan Leaf, betting that the next round of electrics will give her the range she claims she needs to have only one vehicle in the garage.

My own plans are moving forward at a glacial pace--we did get Dandelion to estimate for geothermal, and we kind of lost interest when it was going to be over $30k. For now, I'm working on some simple sealing and insulation upgrade projects to keep more heat inside--so if (when) we change out our heating system, we'll be able to right size.

Solar panels (and/or electric car) is still quite a ways off for us.
They're still not great for road tripping unless they're with the brand that has become a bit toxic lately due to their dear leader. That brand has a reliable and widespread en-route charging network. The others are less reliable and are more random.

All that said, I'm not sure I would replace my 4-year old Tiguan again. It has plenty of life in it and was paid for, etc. etc........ But what's done is done and I'm moving forward as a Model Y owner.

Charger is at home and 99% of my driving will be local, as in within a 100 mile radius, meaning a charge will get me out and back with little stress.

But for folks who are remote or in rural places and can't charge at home or regularly tow or drive long distances, EVs are still full of compromises. But for my situation it's in a real sweet spot.

I wouldn't replace a good working vehicle that doesn't need replacing. I did and have some regrets about that. But if someone is in actual need of a new vehicle it's worth researching EV options and charging options. It's changing and evolving rapidly at this point.

My brand new Model Y will probably be old tech in five years......
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