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Old 08-09-2022, 05:54 PM
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Originally Posted by marciero View Post
More than the data, the methods and the code used to do the analysis. In Jan's case these are very simple methods that for the most part have been described in BQ and elsewhere. But from what I have seen of the criticisms here, having the data and the code and producing the exact same results would not satisfy people that have accused him of making things up, fudging the data, etc, or, in more charitable cases, of having bad data due to poor collection methods. Plus, I can see some reasons for a for-profit entity to protect their data as they would any other proprietary asset. For profits dont generally do this, and when they do make data available it is sold as a product. Also, in Jan's case, with abuse and misuse of statistics pervasive even among professional scientists, why turn internet trolls armed with excel spreadsheets lose on your data? I dont see an up side.
I try not to comment much on the Heine stuff because at this point it's obvious he gave up scientific credibility to sell product. Classic marketing methodology, boost the signals that align with your product, denigrate and dismiss those that don't.

His "experiments" (more generally studies) have not reliably replicated when performed by others. Rolldown tests have almost always favored narrower tires, his aero testing was debunked by multiple people, and the most damning result - almost nobody interested in riding far, fast, and in comfort is using his ideas. He's had to pivot to gravel racers to move product - road, triathlon, MTB, randonneurs, ultra-distance - by and large have found his ideas do not generalize to their riding style. Which begs the question, why the huge discrepancy between the Bicycle Quarterly Rene Herse laboratory with 1 tester, 1 statistician, and no peer review - and the laboratory of the open road with thousands upon thousands of testers?

The only people that ever win races on Rene Herse tires are using the same width as the rest of the field, and are only ever winning off road races? What means?
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