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Old 06-29-2022, 01:56 AM
Gabe77 Gabe77 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2021
Posts: 90
Power Torque is considered an absolute PITA - due to the lack of ununstallability foresight from Campagnolo. But they fixed it (eventually).
There were two versions of Power Torque - that and PT Plus. The second one comes with self-extracting cranks so you don't need any bearing pullers etc.
You may not actually need PT or PT+ at all since last iteration of Potenza came out with Ultra Torque cranksets (the HO series). I have this one - same tech as the Chorus & up. (So there are actually 3 iterations of Potenza cranksets).
The BB cups are different between PT & UT but same for PT & PT+.
In my opinion for all the lauded technology of the Hirth joint Shimano got it right with end-spline and pinch bolt spindle design. No extractors/pullers or highly precise half-axles required.
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