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Old 06-14-2022, 09:49 AM
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goonster goonster is offline
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Originally Posted by Michael D View Post
A lot of people blame Wall Street for our financial woes and wealth disparity, so to many, bypassing regulation is the entire point. Just becaus you guys who frankly sound like ( sounds like, no offense meant) typical retirement age finance bros don’t care about that doesn’t mean a billion people under the age of 21 aren’t super stoked on the idea.
Not close enough to retirement age, and I'm the furthest thing from a finance bro. Yes, age can breed complacency, but also brings the benefit of having seen speculative bubbles play out time and again. Hearing coworkers devote more and more time to trading crypto sure rhymed with the story about hairdressers in CA quitting their jobs to flip houses in AZ, circa 2007.

Wealth disparity is real, the capital markets are rife with unfairness, corruption and risk, the disaffection and mistrust you describe is growing. But I can smell a hype merchant exploiting an unsupervised space, and get-rich-quick schemes are not the answer.
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