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Old 02-23-2022, 07:52 PM
deluz deluz is offline
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Originally Posted by parris View Post
Deluz get some recommendations as to who you want for fitting services. There are a fair number of "fitters" that have paid their money to whatever system they use and ONLY go by the data points their computer tells them. Not all but a number.

I saw it with a local couple several years ago. The two of them dropped around $1200.00 for fittings and the component recommendations of the "expert". They were stoked after the fit due to the power numbers they generated while being fitted. The problem was that neither of them could stand to be on their bikes for more than about an hour and a half due to their positions being so jacked up.

The biggest red flags I saw were with the husband. His seat was sky high and nose down. He was on 165cm cranks which wouldn't be bad EXCEPT that this dude goes around 6ft4in. It was really horrendous.

So ask around before dropping coin on a fitter.
Yep that is my concern. Virtually anybody can hang a shingle and call themselves a fitter, I certainly could do that and pass for one.
You don't need a college degree or an M.D.
I did look for somebody local and other than what they have on their website their is very little independent info. But I need to get over my skepticism and give it an honest try. Email sent waiting for a response.
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