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Old 02-23-2022, 11:22 AM
deluz deluz is online now
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Originally Posted by yinzerniner View Post
Great response with some added info that helps in providing (hopefully) constructive comments

A few things from your previous posts:
-You stated an inseam of 30.5" and crankarms of 170mm, which aren't numbers too off of a typical 5'-8" fellow. My father is about the same height and he has a 28.5" inseam! But the saddle height measurement from middle-top of saddle to center of BB at 650mm seems awfully low - generally saddle height is somewhere aroung 88% of inseam height, which in your case would be ~681mm which aligns with what you're measuring as your center of BB to sit bone location. Just wondering if this saddle position is something you've always had, or something you set based on some measurements a long time ago and just never really considered changing since your body got used to it?

-The first suggestion of many others doesn't seem feasible to you, which is "see a fitter," but you should really reconsider. Your suggestion of " hav(ing) serious doubts that a fitter is going change anything substantial" couldn't be farther from the truth, especially since you're a little older and your body naturally doesn't have the flexibility it once did to adjust itself to suboptimal positions. A good fitter will be able to take the cacophony of multiple mini adjustments and combine them for a fit that optimizes your riding goals. It sounds like total BS but it's really not, five 5mm adjustments throughout your touch points really make a bigger difference than a single 25mm adjustment and the fitter will be able to judge this. If you can't find a local fitter (would help to know your location) then there are online fitting services like the one mentioned below. Or there are mobile fitters who sometimes make the rounds, like mobile mechanics in vans.

But really cool to see this discussion and commend you getting your feet wet / hands dirty with the design details and responding to the internet horde. Keep us posted on what you decide, should be a super fun ride.
My saddle height is based on just tweaking over the years. Also just looking at the bend in my knee with the cranks in vertical position and being able to pedal with my heels on the pedals without lifting up. Sometimes it feels a little too high or low and I adjust it a few mm but always seem to come back to this height. It could also have to do with pedaling with my feet more horizontal and not with the toes down which is what my wife does. I could try raising it a bit and stick with it to see what happens. I am not totally opposed to seeing a fitter but would need to feel going in that it would be beneficial and not throwing money away. I have already looked at myvelofit and was going to give that a try, just have not had time yet.

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