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Old 12-27-2021, 10:34 AM
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David Kirk David Kirk is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Bozeman MT
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We measure saddle-to-BB set back based on the nose of the saddle for convenience but what we are really measuring is where our hips are relative to the BB. Of course measuring the location of your hips is hard but measuring from the nose of the saddle is easy so we use the nose of the saddle.

The issue is that out hips don't land on different style saddles the same so the traditional way of measuring doesn't serve us well.

Think of it this way....if you took your usual saddle, set your setback just right, and then cut 20 mm off the nose of the saddle would that change your position? Your hips would still be right compared to the BB but the 'setback' would be different. This is what happens with a new style stubby saddle. You can't set the setback the same way....and you don't want to. You need to mount it and ride and see what feels right and set aside your old setback number that was based on a long-nosed saddle.

I hope that makes sense. It can be hard to picture.

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