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Old 10-26-2021, 01:02 PM
Matt92037 Matt92037 is offline
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Posts: 606
Spot on. I have never used facebook and my overall social media usage doesn't go past bike related to my hobbies.

Twitter may be the worst of them all as all it seems to do is aggregate angry people to agrue over nothing.

Originally Posted by DeBike View Post
There is a book titled, "The Circle", written by David Eggers. It was released in 2013 and the novel is about this very thing. It is a pretty good read, maybe more so now with the revelations about Facebook coming out. The manipulation, the distortion of so called fact and truth, the ability to sway and control public opinion and way of thinking is real.

Obviously, Facebook is not alone. Main street media, whether it is liberal or conservative is just as culpable. We have become a society of extremes, IMO, not a good thing.

The way the human race lives these days is insanity. We are the makers of our destruction. Authors such as G. Orwell, HG Welles and others were prophesiers. We can be led to water, and made to drink, toxic or not.
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