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Old 10-11-2021, 11:36 PM
Ken C Ken C is offline
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Location: Rapid City, SD
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Originally Posted by crankles View Post
Welcome to Wonderland Alice! One of these days, when I no longer have to pull multiple doubles every morning, I'll be getting a lever machine and enjoy the process a bit more.
After owning the Cafelat Robot for almost a month, I could not be more happy with the espresso it is producing. I stopped trying to hit 9 bars and now instead grind to 1.6.0 +- on the 1zpresso JX Pro to hit 3 bar pre-infusion for about 20 seconds, then ramp up to 6 bar to 38 grams out with 17 in. Usually takes 30ish seconds after pre-infusion. Shots are so good now.

Wish I could crank out multiple double shots if someone came over. No problem, ordered a second naked portafilter and dispersion screen for $35 and I can prep both portafilters for back to back shots. Since you don't have to preheat the portafilter with the Robot and you are using water off a kettle, I can crank back to back shots in less than a minute and a half apart.

Total time to produce two doubles was 8 minutes start to finish, including getting everything out, heating water, grinding for two doubles, prepping both portafilters and pulling both doubles.

Also added a bellman stovetop steamer for milk drinks.
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