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Old 07-22-2021, 07:11 PM
XXtwindad XXtwindad is online now
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Originally Posted by Eli Bingham View Post
Today was a milestone - my first bike commute to SF and back since the lockdown began. Those 13.8 miles (* 2) felt just about the same as they always did, but I took it a bit more slowly than in the past - I told myself this was because of the howling wind, but it was probably also because I'm not quite used to it like I was when I did it five days a week year round for almost four years in a row!

One silver lining of everything we have been through - SF traffic was really dead, especially downtown. Weekdays are the new holidays! Also, the bike room at the office was completely empty - plenty of parking!
The very beginning of the Pandemic (March to roughly May of 2020) was a glorious time to be cycling. The whole ecosystem had flipped - and cars were on the bottom. Let's hope there's some residue remaining from that inversion. I've been back to the the SOMA region a few times (where my old gym studio was) and it was eerily quiet.
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