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Old 05-09-2021, 10:37 AM
Jaybee Jaybee is offline
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Originally Posted by FlashUNC View Post
I'd be more sympathetic to this view if NBA refs -- who are still some of the best in the business -- didn't get calls wrong constantly. Just look at the 2 minute reports after NBA games.

It's not ideal, but I would rather have a video review to get a second look at things and potentially correct a wrong call, then let a mistake fly by that could have a material impact on the game. If these are high leverage situations in high stakes games, then the league should be using every tool at their disposal to ensure the rules are being enforced accurately and fairly.

I agree it does disrupt the flow of the game, and coaches are now bringing that into their bag of tricks on play reviews.

A compromise is maybe review all plays but "who touched it last" possession questions at full speed only, no slo mo replays from a million angles? The possession ones are usually resolved pretty quickly anyways, it's the flagrant foul calls that seem to take the longest.

On the whole though for me? Net positive for the game.
The call might be wrong, or not, but they even out over the course of a game, season, decade. It's a human sport, the limits of referee perception are part of that.

Since I know the replay thing isn't going back in the box, I can only hope we find some sort of compromise like you describe where the refs are given a couple full speed angles of a given play and maybe 30 seconds to figure it out, otherwise call stands.
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