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Old 04-13-2021, 05:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Jaybee View Post
I was watching too. Really wanted the W's to keep the lead at 12-15 with 3 minutes to go so Denver would pull their starters. I'm not saying this is why he got hurt, but last night was the end of a 6 games in 8 nights stretch. They look tired.

Steph is fantastic. The Dubs have an interesting offseason ahead too. Is Klay going to come back as Klay, or no. If no, then is it time to address a full rebuild or do they want to continue to pay an insane luxury tax for a team that will be fighting for 7th or 8th? Is James Wiseman going to be worth it? Time to cut bait on Draymond? He's a huge offensive minus right now. People just leaving him to guard 5 on 4.

Originally Posted by FlashUNC View Post
Complicated all the more by the fact Wiseman is now out for an extended stretch so you're not going to get a good look at him for the remainder of the run.

Draymond's game will not age well, whereas Klay might age the best given shooting is what sticks the longest. But a more consistent Wiggins might make Klay a luxury they can't afford, healthy or no. And Curry's 33 with bum ankles just looming out there to go south at some point.

The salad days for the Dubs are long gone now.

Denver looked beat but put up a fight. Glad the Warriors won though. Good game to watch especially give the night for Steph.

The off season, I would love for them to get someone like Magee back. I'm bummed they got rid of him. He was great. And he put up some decent numbers in LA. Iguadola coming back would be amazing. Yes, he's getting older but he's so good. Super smart on the floor. They need a couple veterans to help with the young ones. Wiggins has been good but looks kind of bored when you watch him. If he can fit in longer, great. Hopefully he's ok in the GSW system. Especially after when KD said last year. I wonder how much of that was real or him just venting. Who knows.

Draymond while not putting up huge numbers is still great with rebounds and assists. He had what, 20+ a couple weeks ago? He needs a valium tho cause he's fighting over everything even when he's not involved and he's gonna get the boot more if he doesn't calm down.

I'm not super worried about Steph getting older. He's in great shape and his game is staying pretty consistent. He's putting up MVP numbers. He's #2 in PPG. I think if he can avoid the occasional accident like a 7 footer falling on him again, he'll be ok.

Klay, I think he'll come back and be rusty for a year. It'll bug him huge and he'll never be the same. Which sucks cause those two together were fun to watch.

I think the Dubs could get to the Playoffs a few more times. Winning it all, not sure given the stacking of teams in LA and Brooklyn. Unless the Warriors get 1 or 2 ringers, and unless Klay comes back stronger and better than before, I don't think it'll happen for them.

Last edited by Velocipede; 04-13-2021 at 05:33 PM.
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