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Old 03-02-2021, 11:38 AM
LeMond123 LeMond123 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2020
Location: CO USA
Posts: 79
In south suburban Denver, we have lots of shoulder bike lanes, no separation (can't with snow plows and street sweeping as previously mentioned). But there are the ones that start and stop randomly, so you gotta scout by car and/or Google Maps with the cycling option turned on. Around where I live, these bike lanes are nice and wide, but on 45 mph roads. Lots of people veer into them in the normal course of driving, and use them as turn lanes. Garbage (and glass, yay) builds up even during the summer. Veered around the same glass pile that gave me one flat for about 2 months before it was cleaned up, I almost just drove over there with a broom one day when I got back.

I luckily kept rubber side down but early in my commuting efforts I was in the bike lane area, close to home, coming downhill to a newly green light, overtaking traffic that had been stopped. I didn't know to take it easy since I had a nice wide bike lane and a green light. A car decided to veer into the bike lane before his turn lane could be accessed, got antsy I guess. I braked hard and locked up the rear, stayed upright thankfully, and still nearly hit the guy. He had no clue I was there. Now I know to take it easy in those situations, ride defensively, not overtake cars like that. Had plenty of people zoom past me to slam on the brakes and turn right, forcing me to brake hard, and always on the lookout for left turners (use those DRLs). This is simply in the ~1.5 miles I spend on the wide bike lanes for commuting or accessing the MUP I usually use to get other places for rides from home. And we have tons of cyclists around here, year round.

I feel much more comfortable riding long distances on the 2 lane roads with no bike lanes outside the beltway so to speak, than I do the nice wide bike lanes right around my house. For me that's my real road biking where I can ride more "carefree". Luckily I can ride to work (whenever we go back) with 80+% on the MUP. Of course MUPs are a whole separate concern, but at least when I ride in (5am hour) there is little to no foot traffic.

Last edited by LeMond123; 03-02-2021 at 11:44 AM.
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