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Old 02-23-2021, 03:06 PM
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Dead Man Dead Man is offline
The B!
Join Date: Apr 2014
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my great uncles were both very accomplished musicians in their day (big band era) - my uncle Monty Kelly was lead conductor for a band called 101 Strings and composed a fair bit, his brother Rex played guitar wonderfully and played for the rat pack boys and other big names of the era and also wrote a little.. my mother gets royalty checks from ASCP i think(?) about twice a year for anywhere from $600 to sometimes as much as a couple grand, depending on how much their original music was played - mostly used in european film. its just "free" money... never expected, but cool.. my uncles wrote and performed the music decades ago, the "work" is done, but the money keeps coming.. and is available on spotify, and im sure shes never known how much she gets paid per listen.. or even if she does? i dont know how this stuff works... but who cares? its money!
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