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Old 02-11-2021, 04:15 AM
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Originally Posted by Ken Robb View Post
I had that General Electric cartridge in my Hi-Fi system in 1957. It had two needles. The one with a 1 mil point was in place to play 16,33,45 rpm records when the red arrow on top points to the front. I could push down on the red pointer and rotate it and the holder with the needles so the fat side pointed to the front which positioned a 3 mil needle to play 78 rpm records which had wider grooves than records of the other(slower) speeds. There is no fee for this lesson in ancient history.
Yeah, fun times in the Wayback Machine. I don't ever use the record player, and the speakers are pretty shot (probably made of cardboard or similar long since gone bad), but it can be fun to listen to the radio. Maybe I should check out the speakers and replace them, but it looks like I'd have to disassemble pretty much the entire chassis to get to them.

There are connections in the back for external antennas.

My parents got a lot of good use out of it, though. A lot of Sibelius, Rachmaninoff, Segovia, and others were played on it - back when it sounded better.
It's not an adventure until something goes wrong. - Yvon C.
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