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Old 12-26-2020, 08:10 PM
Gummee Gummee is offline
Old, Fat & Slow
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Originally Posted by William View Post
Turns out a gift (book) I purchased for somone already had one. Doh! I went back to the bookstore I purchased it from to exchange for something else, while there decided I wanted to find something to read for myself while there. I didn't have anything specific in mind, just wandered around looking. I came upon the Tolkien section and paused, I have never read any of his work other than the Hobit and LOR. I noticed two copies of The Silmarillion, one hard cover the other soft. The softcover was a bit worn but the hardcover was in pretty good shape. I decided to give it a go and grabbed the hardcover...might be interesting to read the sort of pre-history to the Hobbit and LOR.

Getting home I opened the book and started reading the forward. In doing so I started to note the condition of the book which was pretty amazing for a used book...even the cashier had commented on it. I then noticed that it was actually a first edition. Wow, pretty cool for only ten dollars and in great condition. I think I'll hang on to this one!

Picture just to illustrate, the one I picked up is in better condition.

Uhhh yeah.. Think Bible with the begets and begats and you'll have the beginning of that book. After the beginning it gets more interesting.

Course, Ready Player Two includes some bits of that book in it. I won't spoil anything in case you want to read RPO or RP2

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