Thread: Vamoots!!!
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Old 11-29-2020, 07:41 PM
strayduck strayduck is offline
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Lots to respond to here!

Originally Posted by Matthew View Post
Beautiful bike!! I've got two Moots and they are lifetime keepers. Is it me or did the Moots finish change slightly? Just seems a different shade of finish now. Not bad, just different. Different bead blast technique maybe? Still great looking regardless.
I don't have any old models to compare to but by the photo, I'd agree that the new finish is similar to the Lynskey Matte Satin. It's 3/2.5 Ti and it's fairly smooth to the touch but looks "dull" and doesn't reflect much except for light intensity. The logos, OTOH, feel like high-grit sandpaper.

Originally Posted by barnabyjones View Post
I'd argue that a 2020 Moots with disc brakes would provide the perceived power transfer, performance, and comfort of a 2005 C50 Colnago or Look 585 with Dura-Ace or Record skeleton brakes.

edit: since it's an RSL, a C59 would be comparable or a Cervelo RCA. Planted but not too stiff carbon.
You're definitely talking a different classic language than I speak. I haven't had the opportunity to ride Colnago and Look but I know they are legendary. I haven't seen the Vamoots compared to many classic bikes but there is probably a marketing reason for that. I'd agree with 'planted but not too stiff' though I wonder about how the bikes you mention return to the neutral position after being flexed. The old Merlin had a *snap* and while the Moots still gives back, it's much more measured--it wants to keep me connected to the rails.

Originally Posted by avalonracing View Post
Interesting story on that Merlin. I saw it when you had it listed on eBay. I used to have a Merlin Works 3/2.5 and I sold it to my friend but I think it is one of the best riding bikes ever so I'm often on the lookout for another. I thought about yours for a minute but I was concerned that modification to the chainstays would have changed the ride quality even more than the change from 3/2.5 to 6/4 would have.
Small world! I didn't spend much time with it between potato-chipping and selling but given that process replaces a thin round metal wall with a thick plate I'm presuming that this section of tubing will be more rigid than it was originally. It would probably twist slightly less at the bottom bracket which wouldn't necessarily be bad, though it could steal a bit of the spring which these frames are known for.

Originally Posted by chismog View Post
Do ya still have the Merlin? Looks like the deep rim is the problem, yes?
I ended up selling the Merlin and the Mavic wheels to help fund the new frame but yes, the *new generation* deep rim was the problem. Older wheels like a Mavic Cosmic had a narrow 19mm external measurement. These fit within the chainstays easily. The newer generation of wheels are 25mm wide which was too much. My frame builder should have received the parts, put them together, and said "this won't work because we'd need to build too long of a chip which won't be strong enough". Had I kept the bike post-potato-chip I might have explored some exalith ksyriums with 25mm or 28mm tires.

Separately, I fielded a question about the dropout clearance as it relates to the threaded DT Swiss skewers so I thought I'd just post that here because it's interesting and related:

The drive side has a replaceable derailleur hanger which tucks neatly into the dropout. This photo shows off the texture of the 3D printed titanium which is employed for the entire dropout module:

On the non-drive side you can see the dropout is kind of Breezer-esque, but lacks the dramatic shelf. There is plenty of clearance for the skewer:

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