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Old 11-21-2020, 12:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Vientomas View Post
Please don't include me in your generalization. I am an American and I am not racist.
Have you met many who admit they are? What I am saying is that slavery stained our country in ways most have never come to grips with. There are so many doors opened to white people that are assumed open to everyone. Overt racists should be denounced. The rest maybe should reflect how Americans who don’t look like them are not always treated the same or given the same opportunities. Saying the election of a black man as president or pointing out a successful business person of color shows we are beyond racism betrays a narrow perspective. If you grew up in the US you can’t help being a part of it. The more we acknowledge it the sooner we can figure out ways to fix it. iMO....of course.

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