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Old 09-23-2020, 10:26 AM
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David Kirk David Kirk is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Bozeman MT
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One of my favorite MTB rides here has a few shared sections that Jeep guys like to use....most use the dirt double track and then exit off when the trail turns to true single track. One guy apparently didn't get the memo and he stayed on the bike trail that works it's way into a very steep side hill. I came across his off roader on the side hill being supported by a small tree. It looked like he tried to climb the side hill slightly to get above the tree and he got stuck against it.

I dismounted and walked around it and all was fine.

A few weeks later I rode that trail again and as I neared that section I wondered what I'd find. When I got to the spot the vehicle was gone and something looked different. I then saw the stump of the small tree that had been cut off. Lastly I noticed that the balled-up red lump that was the Jeep was WAY down the slope. It looked like someone cut the tree either trying to free the thing or to watch it barrel roll down the hill. In the end the thing rolled down and was totaled. Brush as grown around it over the years but it's still there and will be forever.

Explaining that one to the insurance company was probably fun.

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