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Old 08-02-2020, 09:34 PM
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Originally Posted by fiamme red View Post
But how much does a pound or two of frame weight matter on the track? And how flexible is the typical steel track frame? At the highest levels of track racing these things make a difference, of course, but for having fun racing on the local track, a steel frame is just fine, in my opinion.
Remember, the question was what should the OP buy or consider buying.

A free steel frame? Great! Paying similar money for a steel vs aluminum? Not as great.

Getting a good used track bike/frame, bang for buck, aluminum. Weight really doesn't matter because the range is so small (+/- 4 pounds for frame? maybe 6 pounds for bike) but it's better, for the same dollars, to carry less if the stiffness is the same. In fact I sacrifice weight for fit, so I'm running about 2.5-3x weight in the stem, about 2-2.5x weight in the saddle, but that's because the ones I'm running fit me.

As far as stiffness goes, again, for the higher power track events, more is better, and bang for buck, aluminum.

So bang for buck, aluminum. Minimum track bike prices are in the $500-800 range, and if the OP can get an aluminum framed bike, that's what I'd get.

Remember, I'm the one with the steel track frame. Essentially it was free for me, as I've owned it for 30 years. Did I race it? Yes. Was it fine? Well, yes, at the totally grassroots level racing I did. But if someone were to ask me if my bike was as good as an aluminum one? Admittedly no, not at a similar price.
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