Thread: Look 585
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Old 06-26-2020, 10:26 AM
robt57 robt57 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2012
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Rather than be redundant, besides I agree with everything above aready noted.

I am 6'1/2" [used to be taller], and ride a standard 585 XL, Origin seems to what the non Ultra is referred to.

Also have no interest when Look went monocoque instead of the round tubes/lugs.

The ride/glide is the magic of these IMO. I am 200lb and while stiff enough, it is most like CV tech Bianchi frame use in the absorption of road buzz. Best in class in this dept these two in my experience regarding buzz kill ability.

To me it feels a lot like some early Ti I rode, but does not suffer from not being stiff enough as was my experience with most 90s Ti that was not an Ultimate or Vortex etc. Yet not near as stiff as those either. But does not demand you be in race mode every inch either.

It is the one bike I have I don't find needs 28s, not sure they would fit anyway. I could ride it with Tubeless 23 honestly. It is wearing my last set of 25mm Vitt Paves and I did not even bother putting latex tube in it. It feels like they are already there.

Geometry for the XL I have is road race and perfectly stable, neutral, quick responding and very very comfortable. I am between, but closer to the XL than XXL but could ride either. I would not be able to get the bars low enough easily on an XXL as much as I'd like 1CM more TT. [12mm to be exact]

A member here just got an Origin off eBay without any headset parts. Managed to get all what he needed to remedy, but was not cheap. Two things as a take away there, available and not cheap.

IMO 585s are something special, I covet and revere mine due to it feel and response for a dated frameset. I'd have grabbed a C50 but this showed up first.

Got mine striped for a repaint and sat in a box for 5-6 years and made available.

I just spray it with 303 protectant after cleaning and slapped some vinyl LOOK letter on the DT. It is about rolling on this.

They are as light as about anything as well, sans ultra lite-weight weenie stuff.

This foot tastes terrible!

Last edited by robt57; 06-26-2020 at 10:29 AM.
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