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Old 03-24-2020, 09:04 AM
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David Kirk David Kirk is offline
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Originally Posted by skouri1 View Post
How did you cope with setback...find the widest portion of saddle and set that the same on that vs a "regular" length saddle?
I've been on prologo scratches for a long time, those were definitely a revelation for me and I intended to proceed with them until I cant buy em. Some of these new fangled saddles are quite interesting though.
The "setback" number is only valid when comparing identical saddles of course so changing brand/model will force you to start over figuring it out.

I set up a new saddle in the middle of the adjustment range and then ride it back and forth on the street in front of the house....making sure I'm wearing cycling shorts and shoes.

I then move it forward 13 mm and repeat and make note of how it feels. I then move it back 13 mm and see how it compares. We are all too good at adapting to things so the first impressions are important. After going forward and back a lot I'll know which general direction is right. I then move the saddle in that direction a smaller amount....say about 7 mm and test that and this will narrow things down quickly. Finally I go for a 'real' ride with tools and fine tune things as necessary after spending longer periods of time on the new saddle. This process works very well for me.

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