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Old 11-19-2019, 02:03 PM
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Originally Posted by notsew View Post
Bummer. I hope you weren't one of the folks that got to go for an ambulance ride at Woodland GP on Sunday!

Unless you got the bike on deep discount and you buy a new mountain bike every year, keep it. You'd just take a bath on it at this point.
No, jeez, I hope no one was seriously injured there as it sure was greasy when I dropped by during the SS race! Mine was the previous race in Parkland.

I appreciate the thoughts folks. I guess I'm just bummed that I'll have had this bike for more than a year without really riding it at all, something I've never done.

I think one of the things having me worry about mtb tech is that when I first rode suspension forks, they were pogo sticks and flexy and didn't think they were worth it. The next one I rode did something, but for the weight difference vs no suspension it wasn't worth the expense and maintenance. That was when I rode xc only back east.

Now many years later suspension is magic, but it's still something I can't maintain and has the clock ticking on a warranty.

But I'm hearing y'all say, "well, would you pay 40% of the bike's cost twice (since I'd have to buy another bike later) for an extended warranty?" I hadn't thought of that, just my poor bike sitting looking lonely and unloved at me.
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