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Old 10-24-2019, 04:55 AM
marciero marciero is offline
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Also regarding Poertner's remarks-he also notes that seat post contributes more to flex than frame in the lab, and conjectures, even in light of all the studies he cites about riders not detecting differences, that that may be why aero frames are regarded by riders as stiff. Again, very small amounts of flex here-much less than we see with the fork in the video. Again, in what ways are the bikes riders cant distinguish in fact different? These tests demonstrate that whatever the differences are, they are not large enough that riders can detect them. I'd be very surprised if most riders could not blind ID, say, a 1990's Cannondale CAAD and a Colnago Master X light or even a garden variety skinny tube thinwall steel with the same wheels, tires, and pressure- even with identical geometry. I am certainly open to evidence, and these studies may suggest that the contribution of frame flex is less than the perception.
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