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Old 10-23-2019, 01:18 PM
andrewsuzuki andrewsuzuki is offline
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Originally Posted by Mark McM View Post
But in the video, the fork is mated with a wide and very compliant tire, and it can be seen that there is far more compliance in the tire than in the fork, making any fork flex less meaningful.
I certainly don't disagree. Not sure if you missed it but I currently use those same tires on my full time road bike. This new bike however will be constrained by 32mm GP 5000 tires because I believe those are the fastest practical road tires available (if there were a 40mm tire available that was as fast on pavement, I would use it). So that's why I'm looking to the fork for more compliance -- even with 32mm tires, wide for paved road standards, road buzz gets though on bad roads, chipseal, etc. I've considered the Lauf Grit fork but it's probably overkill, too expensive, and less aero.

Edit: and even with those extralight 40mm tires at the lowest psi I'm comfortable with, road buzz still gets through, so I'm interested in fork compliance regardless.

Last edited by andrewsuzuki; 10-23-2019 at 02:02 PM.
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