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Old 10-06-2019, 01:12 AM
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Originally Posted by dustyrider View Post
Since there is no c in front of ct, it’s most likely a stock model, and the 1” headtube would make sense for a ‘99 or late ‘98 build. I haven’t dug in the catalogs since I bought a concours many moons ago...also pictures will help a lot! There are builders here from Serotta and owners that know their bikes!
Check the 2001 catalog. Believe that you will find that the F1 fork is still listed, and that the Concours page says that a 1" HT was standard - with 1 1/8" optional. As far as I know, there was never a 1 1/8" F1. Since the F1 was still in production in 2002 and the catalog shows it as 1" only, it seems likely that a Concours could still be ordered with a 1" HT if the F1 was specified, even though the catalog says that a 1 1/8" HT is standard. My guess is that some 1" HT 2002 standard geometry frames were built, whether to use up any remaining F1s on hand or because dealers specified them, and that Serotta was happy to build customs with 1" HTs and F1s as well.
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