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Old 09-25-2019, 06:11 PM
dem dem is offline
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Originally Posted by benb View Post
I am curious how skinny you were for him to say that. It's pretty well documented that some doctors have often given up on giving overweight folks a hard time about their weight, it'd be more weird if you were questioned and you were at a healthy weight.
I am around 6'1" and 158. But I do tend toward the gaunt/ectomorphic side. However, I still have a good inch of fat on my gut, I'm probably around 10% body fat. I could drop down to 150ish and not be "unhealthy"

A dirty secret is men can go very low on body fat and not be unhealthy - it is very difficult to maintain an "unhealthy" body fat level for a man.

I go with the earlier theory in this thread: americans are just fat, so if you're on the lower end, you will stand out. I see a huge (ha) difference just going from CA to.. say.. arizona/texas.. much less the southeast.