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Old 09-20-2019, 03:51 PM
weiwentg weiwentg is offline
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Originally Posted by mt2u77 View Post
A positive should trigger an investigation and additional testing of the team. If the investigation reveals a systemic problem, repeated violations, or team complicity (prior knowledge, or lack of institutional control), the team should be punished.

Otherwise, what's to stop doping up the domestiques to carry the contender to the threshold-- contender puts in a few minutes of work, contender wins, contender is clean, team claims the "clean" victory.
I'd endorse this. It may be hard to work in practice, because riders get tested at races and by their own national federations (correct me if I'm wrong). Some countries are less rigorous about testing than others. I don't want to name names, but we all have an idea which countries I'm thinking about.

(But let's not get too cocky - we had Dopestrong here in the US, France had Laurent Jalabert even if he was riding for a mainly Spanish team, etc.)
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