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Old 09-17-2019, 04:16 PM
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jischr jischr is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: St. Louis, MO
Posts: 541
Wow, wish I knew about the bead jack 3 weeks ago. I was trying to mount new Veloflex tires and latex tubes on Neutron Ultra rims. Could not get them close so I switched to butyl tubes and tire levers. Cut the tube, patched it, cut it again. While working on getting one edge of the bead on, the other bead edge would roll out of the rim. First time that happened to me. Very frustrating. I always use talc to make life easier and get that baby fresh sent going. Didn't work this time. I later tried hand sanitizer with ethanol in it that I saw in a YouTube on mounting open tubulars. Didn't work either.
Finally I got down an old 32 spoke wheel, and was able mount the tires without much effort. Pumped it up to 140 psig and left it over night. Next day I could almost roll it on the Neutron by hand. That bead jack probably could have saved me an hour of frustration and waiting over night. Gonna get me one of those.
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