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Old 08-05-2019, 10:10 AM
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YesNdeed YesNdeed is offline
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Boulder soil type is probably similar to where I am, sandy and claylike. When I planted my most recent tree about 2 years ago, I didn't see any difference in soil types 2-3 feet down. So, besides reducing or eliminating evaporation, I'm not sure what the advantage of using one those stake things is over a slow trickle directly from the hose, letting gravity do its job. The root stock is going down a lot further than the stake's reach anyway. Don't get me wrong, water conservation is big advantage in the high desert where water is scarce and sacred. But, I'd be up for trying a coiling soaker hose ring, buried in mulch to minimize evaporation. Oh, and thanks for reminding me to water!
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