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Old 07-18-2019, 12:29 PM
Mark McM Mark McM is offline
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Originally Posted by tombtfslpk View Post
And you know this.....not from actual experience....but from internet "experts".
Because if you actually researched road tubeless, and tried it for yourself, those "experts" might have feet of clay.
When it comes to most characteristics, "Trying it yourself" is about as unscientific as you can get. Look up the various work on observer bias to understand why (plus a small dose of dunning-kruger effect as well).

I know that tubeless tires do not have lower weight, lower rolling resistance or better grip, because everyone who has done objective testing of tires and reported the results has found no improvements that can be attributed to tires being tubeless.

The weight part is easy, and many people have weighed tires and tubes, so there's lots of data there. The rolling resistance part is more difficult, but there are a number of organizations and individuals do this, and they have found no meaningful improvement in rolling resistance with tubeless tires. Traction is the most difficult of all to test, and sadly there have been few well controlled studies of bicycle tire traction. But of those that have been done, no clear advantage to tubeless tires has been found.
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