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Old 07-15-2019, 05:52 PM
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I work on a project related to climate change. I was discussing with a friend the other day, who was very doom-and-gloom about our prospects and seemed to be suggesting we might as well throw in the towel and focus on adaptation instead of mitigation.

I tried to let him know that while we may indeed be quickly approaching the "point of no return", we still need to focus on mitigation, because otherwise keeping up with adaptation is going to be increasingly more challenging...

For us, we don't have kids (the biggest offender, though we had other equally important reasons for not wanting them), we compost and recycle, don't buy unnecessary stuff, I commute on an e-bike, our house is very energy efficient, and we are largely meat free (I am vegetarian; my wife eats very little meat). It does feel like a battle that can't be won at times, but also feels good to know that we are doing what we can.

Last edited by fa63; 07-15-2019 at 07:09 PM.
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