Thread: Moots Vamoots!
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Old 06-14-2019, 02:16 PM
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texbike texbike is offline
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Congrats on the purchase!

As you know, I have a Vamoots that is almost a twin to yours. I love it! However, it wasn't love at first ride. In fact, it was almost kicked out of the garage fairly quickly. After playing with different wheelsets and spending time on the bike, I came to love it and realized that I was just as fast on the Vamoots as the MXLeader or C40 and it was more comfortable. It's become one of my all time, favorite bikes.

Interestingly, it was originally purchased as a bike for rainy days, but the thing sucks water into the frame like no other bike I've ever had. Crazy. Still not sure how all of the water ends up in there...

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