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Old 06-13-2019, 03:31 PM
Clean39T Clean39T is offline
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Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
hello, my name is xxxx and i'd like to eat a slice of crow.

i've been riding the new specialized tarmac disc for a few days as a loaner before i grab my new bike in a week.

it's astonishingly good. so much better than any other specialized road bike i've ever ridden/raced. it's almost like they were mining my brain for geometry thoughts. their past bikes have always been...well, boring carbon racebikes with boring carbon racebike geometry. they were...fine. this one, though, this one smashes the dogma to pieces.

don't get me wrong - i'm not a fan of specialized as a company in the least, and it's unlikely i'll ever get one of these bikes (group ride comments x10 were "never thought i'd see you on that"), but standing alone, this bike is outstanding - when it comes to production carbon. it's like they finally stopped designing bikes inside a tiny, sealed off room, and managed to inject some perspective into how to do it.

i'd suggest trying both a dogma and the tarmac back to back to see how what you think.
Interesting points...and rational. But if I open to a Tarmac, then the flood gates are thrown wide open. Part of my fascination with the Dogma is its pedigree, the company's history, etc.

The dream is still alive. And may get realized shortly.

Now if only I could figure out whether I want a 57.5 or 59.5
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