Thread: FTP shenanagins
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Old 03-18-2019, 02:34 PM
mtechnica mtechnica is offline
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FTP shenanagins

Does anyone else think there’s a lot of shenanagins happening with regards to FTP numbers? I’m seriously skeptical about a lot of numbers I’m seeing online especially on forums. Beyond that, it appears that people come up with an FTP number then aren’t even able to replicate their supposed full FTP for 15-30 minute efforts, based on their power numbers on strava. I know performance varies day to day and over the course of a ride, but I have to say I’m skeptical that most people I see posting an FTP number can really do it for an hour. I’ve estimated my own FTP from ride data, not by any kind of FTP test, and my numbers relative to what I see people claiming are terrible, however my strava times seem to place me on par with people I shouldn’t be able to keep up with. Are there really that many people out there that can ACTUALLY maintain 300 watts continuously for an hour? The internet seems to think so however strava indicates that’s pro level performance and if I could do that, I could have near-KOM times even in the 170lb overweight range I’m in now, on popular (2500-5000 time) segments. Is there something I’m missing here? I’m sure I’m not underestimating my power or anything but I don’t understand how I can do a 20+ average on a normal road bike averaging in the low 200’s when people on slowtwitch are claiming a 280 watt FTP and barely going faster than I can go on a fixie, when they’re on a full on tri bike.

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