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Old 02-18-2019, 10:47 PM
unterhausen unterhausen is offline
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Happy Valley, Pennsylvania
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Originally Posted by AngryScientist View Post
10 frames/year?

you're talking about hobby building i assume, not full time?

less than a frame a month would be a tragically low number for someone trying to earn a living selling bicycles, no?
of course, but let's be realistic about how many frames a builder is going to sell at the beginning. And I don't know how many builders are really putting out more than that. People don't really advertise their day job on instagram, do they?

I think the year I had insurance ($2000) I could sell $20k worth of stuff, but I never expected to sell that much that year. So that was 10% off the top. I don't know what it costs to increase that number, probably not 10% I feel like a lot of the people that start selling frames are not insured.

Outside of production/semi production shops, I really don't think there are many independent builders that are full time. I figure it's less than 10, but it's really hard to tell and it's a bit rude to ask.

There is more to my story than this, but I know for a fact I can build far more frames than I can sell. With not much more investment, I could probably build 2 a week and then my house would be even more full of frames than it already is.

The other thing that happened when I tried to start up was that I was temporarily blind in my right eye for a few months. That will really slow you down. Probably for the better in the end.
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