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Old 02-10-2019, 03:32 PM
rePhil rePhil is offline
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 1,919
I remember that. It made me angry then, and still does to this day.

Originally Posted by shinomaster View Post
Almost five years ago my older brother was horribly killed when coming home from a ride. he was an experienced road racer and an excellent cyclist. His luck just ran out that day when the driver of an SUV didn't see him, and clobbered him head on while making a left turn.
Anyway, my online friends, most of whom I'd never met, were moved by this. They shut down Velocipede Salon for a day and put up a picture of my brother. People from Paceline and Vsalon raised some cash for my Nephew's college fund, and StephenCL amazingly donated all the profit from the sale of his team kits that year to my Nephew. I was incredibly moved by this and so was my dad. Someday I'll tell my nephew about this act of kindness and I'm certain he will be too, as he is such a thoughtful, intelligent person. He's doing much better these days, but he still worries when I go off on a bike ride. I have go as I'm crying all over my Lenovo laptop. So anyway, thanks again everyone.
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