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Old 02-01-2019, 09:35 AM
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AngryScientist AngryScientist is offline
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yes, a good steel frame that uses relatively thin tubing should absolutely be protected on the inside of the tubes with some type of rust inhibitor. there are many effective sprays available, and i generally use something picked up at a marine hardware store that is meant to protect steel in a marine environment. lots of products available, and they all seem to work quite well.

the other thing that is important IMO, and not all frame makers do it, is make sure the bottom bracket is drilled to drain any moisture that winds up in the tubes. if you ride in the wet at all, some moisture will eventually get in there, generally through the seatpost.

bear in mind that many frame makers will treat the inside of the tubes with some type of corrosion inhibitor before the sell the thing. chase the threads, face the faces and spray the tubes. good practice that the guys with attention to detail just do.
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